Pyatigorsk State University (PSU)
Pyatigorsk State University (PSU)

The date of foundation of Pyatigorsk State University is considered to be June 27, 1939, when the Pedagogical School officially became a higher educational institution. Since then, the university has undergone various changes and transformations - an increase in the number of years of study, several renamings - and officially became known as Pyatigorsk State University in 2016. Since 2005, the rector of the university is Professor Gorbunov Alexander Pavlovich. By 2009, 10 faculties were formed at the university. Further, on their basis, institutes and higher schools were created, having one of the faculties in their composition. In addition, PSU is actively developing the system of pre-university, postgraduate and additional education. It has a branch in Novorossiysk. Currently, the university has 34 departments. Now Pyatigorsk State University has more than 5,500 students and 3,000 students from different regions of Russia and foreign countries. All the peoples of the Caucasus are also represented in PSU.

From August 12-21, a volunteer shift of the School of the Vladimir Potanin Foundation took place in Smolensk Poozerie. Master’s student of Pyatigorsk State University, winner of the Potanin Foundation Scholarship Competition, Ayuna Kucherova took part in the event.

The Foundation School is an annual event that aims to enhance long-term positive change and personal social responsibility.

During the shift, volunteers performed works on the improvement of the territory of the national park:

- painted hiking trails

- laid a new ecotrope on the territory of the arboretum

- pruned fruit shrubs

- Prepared a site for the construction of a honey museum

- collected 6 bags of raspberry leaves, blackberries for harvesting herbal tea

- prepared 80 packs of phytocha for the fair

- celebrated the 300th anniversary of the village Przhevalskoe

In addition to the work, the volunteers managed to get acquainted with the nature and culture of the Smolensk lake:

- found the disappeared city of the Smolensk principality - Verzhavsk

- immersed in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages in the ethnovillage "Stargrad"

- searched for paintings and messages of nature in the Museum "Carved fads"

- traveled in the house-museum of N.M. Przhevalsky

A special shift program included concerts for drivers, swimming in lakes, mushroom picking, an evening of board games and cooking master classes!

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