300 m west of the guard battle tower "Magoy-Dzhel", located under the Tsei-Loam mountain pass - between two blocks of rocks, there is, unaccounted for in the list of identified OKN, interesting in the structure, a stone sheepdog-jel, which served as a pen for small-horned cattle. The monument is half destroyed.
Usually such shepherds (Magoi-Jel, Dzaurkyongi-Jel) were located on the territory of pasture lands and, as a rule, they were attached to large boulders, which served as a roof or wall. “Magoy-jel” in translation means “Mag1o sheepdog”, here, according to ethnographic data, the famous Mago, from which many Ingush names go, contained and herded his flock of sheep.
Another, skillfully built near a huge boulder, the Dzaurkyongi-Jel shelter tower is located 2 km north of the village of Upper Guli.
After the relevant works, the monument will add to the list of identified objects of cultural heritage of the republic.