Deputy Prime Minister Yusup Zurabov discussed the project to create an industrial park "Jeyrah". As part of the business initiative to create a park with an area of 31 hectares, dolomite mining and processing, construction of a quarry and an external road are provided.
The project is at an early stage of implementation and funding sources are being sought.
The annual volume of production will be 236 thousand tons of products from dolomite to go, when reaching the design capacity, revenue will be 560.5 million rubles per year.
It is planned to produce dry building mixtures, fertilizers and food additives in the diet of farm animals, mineral wool, decorative stone, paving slabs, etc.
On the territory of the future park there is a idle enterprise "Kavdolomit", which is idle, but reorganized.
The project is scheduled to launch in 2027. The project will create up to 50 additional jobs.