Today, Khizar Yakhyaev, director of the Argun Museum-Reserve, visited the recording studio of the Vainakh State Television and Radio Company as a guest of honor. Lom-Ali Zurushev, the host of the TV program “Actual Theme”, conducted a fascinating interview with him on the significant achievements and transformations that have taken place over the entire period of the museum-reserve's existence.
During the conversation Khizar Yakhyaev told how the museum became the center of cultural life of the region, attracting the attention of both locals and tourists. Numerous excursions to cultural heritage sites, research expeditions, as well as exhibitions, master classes and educational programs have become an important part of the institution's work. The director also noted that thanks to modern restoration and preservation of unique objects, the museum preserves historical memory and contributes to the development of national identity.
In addition, Khizar Yakhyaev shared plans for the future: creation of new exhibition spaces, introduction of digital technologies and development of cooperation with other museums. He emphasized the importance of preserving and popularizing cultural heritage for the younger generation. At the end of the interview, the director expressed his gratitude to all those who support the work of the museum and called on residents to take an active part in its life.