Pyatigorsk State University (PSU)
Pyatigorsk State University (PSU)

The date of foundation of Pyatigorsk State University is considered to be June 27, 1939, when the Pedagogical School officially became a higher educational institution. Since then, the university has undergone various changes and transformations - an increase in the number of years of study, several renamings - and officially became known as Pyatigorsk State University in 2016. Since 2005, the head of the university is Professor Gorbunov Alexander Pavlovich. By 2009, 10 faculties were formed at the university. Further, on their basis, institutes and higher schools were created, having one of the faculties in their composition. In addition, PSU is actively developing the system of pre-university, postgraduate and additional education. It has a branch in Novorossiysk. Currently, the university has 34 departments. Now Pyatigorsk State University has more than 5,500 students and 3,000 students from different regions of Russia and foreign countries. All the peoples of the Caucasus are also represented in PSU.

Awarding the winners of the Open Campaign for writing a dictation in German “Tolles-Diktat-2025”.

The annual open action gathered students from two Institutes - IPRiM and IJMT, who wrote a dictation in German of A2 and B1 levels.

The dictation was assessed on several criteria including literacy, punctuation and stylistic correctness.

Congratulations to the winners:

A2 level:

1st place - Fedor Chalikov (IPRiM);

2nd place - Khapizova Nurziyat (INRMT)/ Agaeva Nazilya (IPRiM);

3rd place - Ekaterina Loginova (IPRIMT).

Level B1:

1st place - Makagonov Alexander (IPRiM);

2nd place - Anastasia Safarova (IPRiM);

3rd place - Akhmedova Jamilya (IPRiMT).

The organizers of the offline platform Melnikova E.N., Kashirina N.M. and Gadzhimuradova M.G. expressed gratitude to all participants for active participation and high level of preparation, and also noted the importance of learning foreign languages and development of language skills among young people.

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