As part of the start of the project for the restoration of the battle tower of the XIII century Mamiya-Kala, located in the village of Khurzuk of the Karachay-Cherkes Republic, initiated by philanthropist Ali Uzdenov, a group of specialists of "ASM Group", together with representatives of Ali Mussayevich, a culturologist from Moscow and a well-known restorer from Ingushetia, climbed the rocks to the stone tower.
The unique three-storey tower has preserved its historical dimensions, a doorway, loopholes on the walls and nests for wooden beams with wooden remains. The upper part of the tower is destroyed, in the lower part there are serious piles of stones.
The result of the expedition on the hard-to-reach mountain slopes was an inspection of the tower, its structures, as well as sampling solutions, which in the coming days will be given in the laboratory of St. Petersburg to determine their composition.