Already in November, the IX Biennale "Architecture of St. Petersburg" will open in the Ethnographic Museum in St. Petersburg.
On November 27, from 13.00, the discussion “Restoration and reconstruction of historical buildings in a modern cultural context” will begin. Practicing architects will discuss issues - the architect-restorer - the Creator, carrying out the connection of times, or the hostage of architectural heritage? What affects the nature of the reconstruction, and the criteria that determine the success of decisions. Architecture of the past in the present.
Expected speakers:
Skryleva Elena - "The Foundry Part 91"
Alexey Mikhailov - "ASM Group"
Pasechnik Igor - "NIIPI Special Restoration"
Yakovlev Vsevolod - "Proxima"
Moderator - Larionov Andrey, - art historian, historian of architecture, leading specialist of KGIOP, member of ICOMOS.