On the territory of VC "Arkhmi" the international business majlis "Tazhir-2024" was launched.
In the business majlis programme:
Speeches of interesting speakers in nature, with relevant professional knowledge, based on real cases, taking into account the norms of Islam.
Healthy walks and useful sports entertainment for adults and children, in the wooded mountains of Ingushetia.
Effective and useful, fraternal networking, with active and interesting business people from different regions and countries.
International archery tournament "Tazhir Cup", among the participants of the business majlis, with prizes and gifts.
Intellectual quiz "The Righteous Merchant", on the religious aspects of trade, with useful and valuable prizes.
Fascinating narration of an interesting GID about Ingushetia "In the country of towers and legends".
And much more. All information https://tajir-majlis.tb.ru/