Interesting facts about the village of Tamariani in Jairakh district. This is a truly unique place with a small population, which undoubtedly has its own unique color and history.
Until 1944, this place of the Ingush was called “B1Ekhal-Ch1ozh”, which translated into Russian means “Snake Gorge”. During the deportation of the Ingush, the territory was inhabited by Georgians and named Tamariani in honor of Georgian Queen Tamara. After the rehabilitation of the Ingush people, the Georgians, as true mountaineers, returned the lands of their neighbors. Since then, as a sign of respect for the Georgian people, the Ingush call this village Tamariani.
Tamariani is part of the rural settlement of Jeirah.
The population is 60.
There is only one street in Tamariani, Vodnaya, named after the geographical location of the village on the right embankment of the Terek River.