Sharoi district
Sharoi district

Welcome to the Sharoi municipal district of the Chechen Republic. Sharoi district is located in the south of the Chechen Republic, borders with Itum-Kalin district in the west, with Shatoi and Vedensky districts in the north, with the Republic of Dagestan in the east and with Georgia in the south. On the territory of the district there are many historical monuments and natural objects that are part of the State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve. This makes the area extremely attractive for tourism. In the Sharoy district, favorable conditions have been created for the development of business and other activities, in particular, the tourism sector, the service sector, scientific research is being carried out. Together, together, we will definitely make our district even more beautiful and cozy for each resident, each family, for all of us and the younger generation! Welcome to Sharoi District!

С целью развития Шаройского района, повышения его туристической и инвестиционной привлекательности, Главой Шаройского муниципального района Магомедовым Рамазаном Назировичем принято решение о присоединении района к национальной системе «Территория».

Система «Территория» начнёт действовать в районе уже весной 2024 года.

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