The staff of the State Budgetary Institution “Argun Museum-Reserve” under the leadership of the director of the institution Yakhyaev Kh.K. carried out a research expedition in the territory of Urus-Martanovsky district. In the center of attention of the group was a long forgotten and previously unknown historical and architectural complex of upper Gerety. This object remained out of sight for a long time and now became a real find for researchers.
The purpose of the trip was not only to identify the complex, but also to register its architectural features in detail: the expedition participants carried out comprehensive photo and video recording works, which will allow to create a visual archive for further research in the future. In addition, the team made technical measurements using modern equipment, including GPS fixation, which ensured high accuracy of the data obtained.
Such research opens new horizons for studying the cultural heritage of the region and creates opportunities for its preservation and popularization in the future.