Chechen Republic
Chechen Republic

The Chechen Republic (Chechnya) is a subject of the Russian Federation and a republic within its structure, which was formed on January 9, 1993. Completely joined the Russian Federation in 2003. Located in the eastern part of the North Caucasus, it covers an area of 16,171 km2. It borders with Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Stavropol Territory, Dagestan and Georgia. The capital is Grozny. The population is more than 1.5 million people. State languages: Chechen and Russian. Chechnya is distinguished by a variety of natural zones - these are semi-deserts and steppes, forest-steppes, mountain meadow zone, mountain forests and ridges rising above the snow line. The rivers in the country are unevenly distributed. The largest are Terek, Sunzha and Argun. Of minerals, the republic is rich in oil and natural gas. There are deposits of marl, which is a raw material for the manufacture of cement, and reserves of gypsum, construction and quartz sands. In addition, deposits of gravel, brick and tiled clay and mineral paints (ochre, colcotar) were found. There are also many thermal springs. The main objects of industrial development of the republic: resource and raw material base of oil refining and oil production projects, forest fund and woodworking industry, agro-industrial, construction and tourist complexes. The potential of natural, human and industrial resources of the Chechen Republic allows to successfully develop the economy.

Уже 03 декабря в "Санкт-Петербургском доме национальностей" на Моховой, 15, открывается выставка работ архитектора и просто друга, - Тамирлана Солтагиреева, посвященная реставрационным и исследовательским работам на каменных башнях Чеченской республики.

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