
Welcome to the official community of Jeyrakh district of the Republic of Ingushetia. Located in the southern mountainous part of Ingushetia, the Jeyrakh district occupies the central part of the Caucasus Mountains. This is the birthplace of the Ingush people, the place from which they settled throughout the modern republic. The area is full of architectural monuments, tower complexes and sanctuaries. The largest of them are the Erzi tower complex, the ancient Christian temple of Thaba-Yerdy, etc. Being one of the most ecologically clean places on the planet, the Jeyrakh district is known for its reserves created to preserve the unique mountain ecosystem. The Jeyrakh-Assin Museum-Reserve includes more than 1000 monuments of nature, history and culture. In the protected areas of the area lives many species of animals, plants and birds. The highest peaks of Ingushetia, such as Mount Shan (4500 m) and Mount Stolovaya Met-Lam (2993 m), are located in this area. This area is called the “second Switzerland” for its picturesque mountain landscapes. It attracts tourists and athletes. Jeyrakh district is rich not only with impressive monuments of history and nature. There are health centers aimed at the treatment of the respiratory system, cardiovascular and nervous system. The climate of the area is very favorable for improving the condition of the body and rehabilitation after diseases.

The SAFMAR Charitable Foundation of Mikayil Gutseriev provides our republic with invaluable assistance.

Ingushetia is our common homeland, and he came here with long-term projects. All of them are aimed at creating better conditions for the lives of our residents.

For more than two years, Mikail Safarbekovich has already invested more than 4 billion rubles in the implementation of projects in Ingushetia.

These are, first of all, two important social facilities: the Trinity boarding school for disabled children and the Erzi summer camp in the Jeirakh district. The buildings of these institutions were in extremely poor condition. I don't recognize them anymore. About 450 million rubles were allocated for their reconstruction.

It is also the reconstruction of our cemeteries and family towers in the mountains.

I want to assure all residents of the republic that all the plans outlined by Mikail Gutseriev and I will be fully implemented. Work continues at all started facilities. Some of them are at the stage of design and estimate documentation, some pass the stages of approval. At 123 towers in the Dzheyrakh district, PSD has been prepared.

It is safe to say that we are now at the stage of a long journey, in which we are accompanied by a reliable and loyal partner in the person of Mikail Safarbekovic.

I believe that these goals meet the interests of the entire Ingush people. And today they should become a unifying force for all who really want to make Ingushetia prosperous and prosperous, said Mahmud-Ali Kalimatov, head of the Republic of Ingushetia.

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