The current situation at Ptz Backyard Ultra is as follows:
1. Two went to the 49th lap - Alexei Samukov and Alexei Belousov.
2. The record of Russia in this discipline is the same 49 laps.
3. The distance of PBU 2024 is somewhat shorter than the official 6706 meters (however, not 6300, as some participants’ trackers show – about 150 meters are not enough to the benchmark).
4. At competitions there are tolerances for deviation from the reference distance.
5. At the moment, we do not know the tolerances for the backyard – we were not ready for the fact that such results will be shown at the first ever start in Petrozavodsk (we will deal with this issue later).
So now the guys are running for victory. Russia may be able to ratify the new record, but there are too many questions and too few answers.