The monograph of the Head of the Department of Ethnography of the Caucasus of the MAE RAS, Doctor of Historical Sciences Macki Sultan-Gireevna Albogachieva “Ethnography and History of the Ingush People in Written Sources of the XVIII – First Third of the XX Centuries” was published in St. Petersburg in 2011.
This work is a review and amalgamation of various sources on the history and ethnography of the Ingush.
In chronological order, we can observe how the scientific concept of the history of the Ingush people arose and transformed, starting with the first exploratory experiments undertaken by German researchers I.A. Gildenstedt and P.S. Pallas, to the early Soviet scientific researches of A.N. Genko and L.P. Semenov.
In addition to reviewing the published works of scientists, the book contains a huge material with archival instructions; its importance is difficult to overestimate.
A serious source study part is adjacent to the most interesting material that directly affects the history and ethnography of Ingushetia - so, with numerous references, the reader can get an idea of oaths, blood revenge, material and spiritual culture of Ingushetia and its inhabitants.
Relatively small in volume, this monograph is a wonderful help for a researcher immersed in the topic of anthropology, history and ethnography of Ingushetia. A concise and lively language coexists with a serious scientific apparatus, and the abundance of references and extensive bibliography make this work, without a doubt, one of the best starting points for a researcher of the culture of Ingushetia.
It is located in the library "ASM-Group".