Throughout the summer, dozens of PSU students work as curators at the Sirius Educational Center.
The children work on different thematic shifts, interacting with gifted children from all over the country.
Here's what our students say about working at Sirius:
“There are 3 shifts here: sports, science, art. Each direction has its own programs.
Art: "Musical and performing arts", "Choreography" (ballet), "Fine arts";
Sport: "Figure skating", "Hockey";
Science: educational programs in mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, linguistics and project activities.
Children come here - to the educational center - for knowledge, and our duties include accompanying children to the audience / sports facilities, etc., where classes are held; as well as maintaining a favorable emotional climate for the team.
In between busy and interesting work, of course, we manage to take excursions, walk around Sochi and just swim in the sea.