In the Jeirakh district of the Republic of Ingushetia, the Border Department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Ingushetia held a military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”. The event was dedicated to the 106th anniversary of the establishment of the Border Guard.
In "Zarnitsa" 4 detachments of "Young Friends of Border Guards" of general educational institutions of Magas took part. The students showed their skills in military-applied disciplines: wearing a gas mask for a time, incomplete assembly and disassembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, throwing grenades for accuracy, sports relay, tug-of-war and much more.
In addition to competitions, the program "Zarnitsa" included demonstrations on the detention of a conditional violator of the state border with the use of a service dog. After the event, the children tasted army porridge from the field kitchen and were awarded cups, diplomas and valuable prizes.
As a result of the game, the places were distributed as follows:
1st place - 7a grade of school No. 2 Magasa;
2nd place - 7a grade of school No 1 g. Magasa;
3rd place - 6th grades of school No. 1 Magas and gymnasium "Marem".
The measures implemented by the Border Management contribute to the formation of patriotism and an active civic position among the younger generation, introduce to a healthy lifestyle, and are also aimed at preventing various negative manifestations in the youth environment.
For children of general educational institutions, the events held are a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted, show their best qualities and will to win.