ACM Group
ACM Group

The company was founded in 2003 in St. Petersburg. Originally it was a "Personal Creative Architectural Workshop", created by architects-restorers who worked in the State Hermitage. Now "ACM Group" is a company of professional restorers, operating in many cities and regions of Russia - St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Moscow, Astrakhan, Kaliningrad, Norilsk, in the Republics of Crimea and Karelia, the Chechen Republic, the Republic of Ingushetia and the Republic of Sakha, as well as carrying out international restoration projects in Europe and the Republic of Uzbekistan. According to the company's projects, more than 160 monument buildings have been restored.

The architects of ASM Group visited the Tretyakov Gallery and got acquainted with the works of the photo exhibition "Wall and Word". Russian monastery on the border with the sky.

More than 80 black and white photographs represent the architecture and history of 10 Russian monasteries located in different parts of Russia. Of course, it was nice to see the unusual photos of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery, where the ASM Group team currently works.

The company was inspected by Nikolai Khondzinsky - conductor of the Mariinsky Theatre, Khashiev Alikhan - vice president of the Synergy Corporation and Andrey Milekhin - professor of Moscow State University, and the tour of the exhibition was conducted by one of its authors - Eduard Boyakov - artistic director of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater, creator of the Golden Mask and New Drama festivals.


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