Pyatigorsk State University invites high school students to take part in the educational project “Mediacanicles: prospects and opportunities of artificial intelligence”.
You're waiting.
master classes in journalism, media communication and advertising;
creative classes in photography, image and self-presentation;
workshops to study the possibilities of neural networks in education, science and art;
interactive classes in English and Chinese;
Financial literacy games and creative workshops.
Duration of the program: from 1 to 12 July 2024
The cost of participation in the project is 13,500 rubles (12 days) (+ additional expenses: food and accommodation (for non-residents).
Applications are accepted until June 28 by phone: 8-988-928-30-18
The project was organized by the Preparatory Department of Pyatigorsk State University together with the Department of Journalism, Media Communication and Public Relations of the Institute of International Relations.