Committee of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Ingushetia
Committee of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Ingushetia

The Committee for State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Republic of Ingushetia is an executive body exercising the transferred powers of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects in the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia. Formed by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Ingushetia of 14/03/2023 No. 31 “On improving the structure of executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Ingushetia”. Tasks of the Committee: protection and preservation of valuable objects of cultural heritage in the territory of the republic; implementation of federal, regional state control (supervision) in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects; organization of work on identification and state registration of objects with signs of cultural heritage; development and implementation of programs of the Republic of Ingushetia in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects; organization of work to establish the historical and cultural value of an object with signs of a cultural heritage object, including with the involvement of specialists in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects; issuance of a task and permit, coordination of project documentation for the preservation of the object of cultural heritage and participation in the acceptance of works for the preservation of the object of cultural heritage.

“ACM Group completed research and design work on the Nazran Fortress, a cultural heritage site of federal significance in the city of Nazran in Ingushetia. The documentation has been approved by the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites. The project provides for the restoration of two surviving and recreation of one lost stone tower, as well as comprehensive restoration of the fortress wall with the restoration of its destroyed sections. Structures and volumes of Nazran fortress, built in the first half of the XIX century, seriously damaged during the construction of a modern hospital, as well as due to the root system of numerous trees and shrubs surrounding the fortress outside and inside. Urgent work is required to clear the territory and strengthen the fortress walls.

The project partner is the SAFMAR Charity Foundation.

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