"On the weekend, the International Festival of Folk Art and Crafts "Edge of Masters" will begin its work on the main square in Magas. This event is also organized as part of the 100th anniversary of Ingush statehood.
Masters from different regions of the country are invited to the festival, who will present their unique products and crafts: from traditional jewelry to household items and art.
I believe that the festival "Edge of Masters" will make an important contribution to the preservation and promotion of folk art and crafts. Such events contribute to the preservation of the cultural heritage of the peoples of our country and its transmission from generation to generation.
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Ingush statehood, we should pay much attention to our cultural component, which has been formed throughout the history of the Ingush people. Our common goal is to preserve all this wealth of traditional culture, as our ancestors and their ancestors preserved. Therefore, it is very important to inspire the younger generation to study folk crafts, so that they can then pass this knowledge on to their children, said Mahmud-Ali Kalimatov, Head of the Republic of Ingushetia.