Republic of Ingushetia
Republic of Ingushetia

The Republic of Ingushetia is a subject of the Russian Federation and a republic within it, was formed on June 4, 1992. It is located on the northern slopes of the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Range, in its central part. It borders with North Ossetia, the Chechen Republic and Georgia. It consists of 4 districts. The capital is Magas. Ingushetia is the smallest region of the Russian Federation - 3123 km2. The population is 530,242. State languages: Ingush and Russian. The climate in the republic is continental. The relief is diverse - steppe and mountain, consisting of ridges separated by valleys and gorges. There are broadleaf forests. The total land area of the forest fund is 84.4 thousand hectares. The total stock of wood is about 11 million m3. The main river is the Sunja. The rivers Assa, Fortanga, Armhi, Guloikhi, Phaztonka, Chemulga also flow. There are deposits of oil (reserves over 60 million tons), natural gas, marble, dolomites, limestone-shell, high-quality brick clays, thermal therapeutic and mineral waters, as well as reserves of clean mountain spring water. There are also deposits of rare metals. Ingushetia is an agrarian-industrial republic, where 60% of the territory is occupied by agricultural lands, and half of them are arable lands. The economy is oversubsidized. .

December 7-8, 2024 in the Republic of Ingushetia in the Palace of Sports "Magas" named after Berd Evloev will host the International Festival of Cold Weapons "Dagger-2024", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Ingush statehood.

The festival is a significant event for the republic, as it is the first event in the NCFD, which will bring together the best manufacturers of cold weapons of the country.

In the Festival programme:

exhibition-fair of souvenir and cold weapons;

exhibition-fair of souvenirs and products of folk-applied creativity;

• concert program with the participation of creative groups;

* bike show;

The Wild Division horse show;

Exhibition of master craftsmen of Ingushetia, master classes and competitions for children and adults;

• Interactive entertainment venues;

* Drawing valuable prizes and gifts, and the main prize is a ticket to Istanbul for two from the travel agency Magas Tour!

Participants of the Festival: manufacturers of souvenir and cold weapons, masters of folk and applied art of the North Caucasus.

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