
Barakh Tower Complex (Old Barakh, New Barakh) is a castle-type complex located in the Jeirakh district at the foot of Tsorei Loam Mountain, 900 m southeast of Koali. One of the legends says that the name Barakh received from the phrase "B1A Bair" - a hundred horsemen. Both complexes are located on the road leading from Tsori to Targim, the complexes were fortified with defensive walls.

The towers of New Barakh now lie in ruins, but some walls have arched openings and other small elements. In one of the towers was a blacksmith workshop. At the bottom of the complex are extensive cemeteries, within which you can see Muslim mausoleums and more ancient solar burial grounds. At the top is a high anthropomorphic stele. Also in the Barakha can be seen a pillar-shaped sanctuary.

Old Barakh, according to legend, was destroyed to the ground. This is evidenced by the currently destroyed buildings of Old Barakh, including two battle towers. In the southern part of the complex there is a crypt burial ground. In the lower part of the southern wall of the tower-shaped ground tomb carved image of a man in a horizontal position.

The Barakh tower complex is part of the Dzhirakh-Assin State Historical, Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve and is an identified object of cultural heritage protected by the state.