
Bauloy (Chechen: BӀavla) is a village in Itum-Kali District of the Chechen Republic, located 10 km from the district center Itum-Kali. It is the administrative center of the Bauloy rural settlement.

The nearest settlements are the former villages of Idakh, Tukhoy, Goroy, Ezikhoy, Chokhoy, Yurdykhoy, Chukhshkanoy, Tongakhoy, Erstakhoy and Gezakh.

On the territory of the village there is a Bauloy semi-combat tower, dated XIV-XVI centuries.

Population: 34 people, Chechens.

Head of administration of Bugaroy rural settlement Umakhanov Mohmad-Salih Ganievich, tel. - +7 (999) 399-00-90