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Mountains conquer the hearts of tourists every year more and more. Places that become a discovery to many, causing sincere admiration. We organize jeep tours in mountain Ingushetia, Chechnya and Ossetia on comfortable SUVs VIP level. We take it where others don't. We invite you to enjoy stunning views, get acquainted with local traditions and culture, experience the adrenaline from exciting adventures.
Our professional guides and drivers with extensive experience in the mountains will ensure your safety and comfort throughout the journey. We visit the top and hard-to-reach locations.
Welcome to the official community of the National Territory System. The Territory system is designed to manage security events, facilities and perimeters in open areas and industrial areas. The Territory is also a convenient environment for coordinating interactions, managing business processes and simple communication. In the community, all information is official.
Welcome to the Ingushetia Tourism Committee. The Ingushetia Tourism Committee is the executive authority of the Republic of Ingushetia, which carries out management functions in the field of tourism, resort and recreational and hotel activities. The Republic of Ingushetia has great strategic, economic, geographical and transit potential. Rich tourist resources make it possible to determine the development of tourism in the Republic as one of the priority areas. In recent years, the interest of Russian and foreign tourists to rest in the Republic of Ingushetia has been steadily growing. However, the potential of the tourism industry in the region is not fully used. The activities of the Committee are aimed at creating a competitive tourist and recreation cluster in the Republic of Ingushetia and the formation of cultural, cognitive, active, medical and health, rural and ecological types of tourism that make a significant contribution to the social and economic development of the republic, including through tax revenues to the budget, increasing the number of jobs, preserving and rational use of cultural, historical and natural heritage.
Official Community of Ingushetia Tourism Association (ATRI). Aims and objectives of the Association: creation of a modern, highly developed, competitive tourism industry in the Republic of Ingushetia; methodological assistance to the development of the tourism industry in the Republic of Ingushetia; coordination and coordination of the activities of the Association participants in the tourist market; interaction with other tourist associations, including international ones; promoting the development of the market of tourist services in the Republic of Ingushetia and creating favorable financial and economic conditions for the members of the Association; assistance in improving the quality of tourist services in organizations that are members of the Association.
The Committee for State Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites of the Republic of Ingushetia is an executive body exercising the transferred powers of the Russian Federation in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects in the territory of the Republic of Ingushetia. Formed by the Decree of the Head of the Republic of Ingushetia of 14/03/2023 No. 31 “On improving the structure of executive bodies of state power of the Republic of Ingushetia”. Tasks of the Committee: protection and preservation of valuable objects of cultural heritage in the territory of the republic; implementation of federal, regional state control (supervision) in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects; organization of work on identification and state registration of objects with signs of cultural heritage; development and implementation of programs of the Republic of Ingushetia in the field of preservation, use, popularization and state protection of cultural heritage objects; organization of work to establish the historical and cultural value of an object with signs of a cultural heritage object, including with the involvement of specialists in the field of protection of cultural heritage objects; issuance of a task and permit, coordination of project documentation for the preservation of the object of cultural heritage and participation in the acceptance of works for the preservation of the object of cultural heritage.
Welcome to the official community of Jeyrakh district of the Republic of Ingushetia. Located in the southern mountainous part of Ingushetia, the Jeyrakh district occupies the central part of the Caucasus Mountains. This is the birthplace of the Ingush people, the place from which they settled throughout the modern republic. The area is full of architectural monuments, tower complexes and sanctuaries. The largest of them are the Erzi tower complex, the ancient Christian temple of Thaba-Yerdy, etc. Being one of the most ecologically clean places on the planet, the Jeyrakh district is known for its reserves created to preserve the unique mountain ecosystem. The Jeyrakh-Assin Museum-Reserve includes more than 1000 monuments of nature, history and culture. In the protected areas of the area lives many species of animals, plants and birds. The highest peaks of Ingushetia, such as Mount Shan (4500 m) and Mount Stolovaya Met-Lam (2993 m), are located in this area. This area is called the “second Switzerland” for its picturesque mountain landscapes. It attracts tourists and athletes. Jeyrakh district is rich not only with impressive monuments of history and nature. There are health centers aimed at the treatment of the respiratory system, cardiovascular and nervous system. The climate of the area is very favorable for improving the condition of the body and rehabilitation after diseases.
The Jeyrakh-Assin historical, architectural and natural museum-reserve is located within the boundaries of the Jeyrakh district of the Republic of Ingushetia on the northern slopes of the foothills of the Central part of the Greater Caucasus Range. The reserve was established on June 2, 1988. The area of the reserve is slightly more than 627 square kilometers. The activity of the reserve is aimed at ensuring the preservation, restoration and study of territorial complexes of cultural and natural heritage, material and spiritual values in their traditional historical (cultural and natural) environment. On the territory of the museum-reserve there are 122 ancient architectural complexes, including more than 2,670 objects of cultural significance, including defensive and residential towers, burial crypts, Christian and pagan sanctuaries and temples. The oldest buildings of the megalithic type belong to the middle of the second millennium BC. Every year, significant scientific discoveries are made on the territory of the reserve, new objects are identified, archaeological expeditions are constantly working, scientists from all over the world come. Since 1996, the reserve has been a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Significant value in the reserve is given to work on creating conditions for the development of organized tourism, its educational and service component.
The Nazran District was established in 1924 as part of the Ingush Autonomous Region. Being part of the North Ossetian ASSR in 1944-1957, it had another name - Kosta-Khetagur. And after the collapse of the Chechen-Ingush ASSR in 1991-1992, it became part of Ingushetia. It received municipal status only in 2009. It is now divided into two parts due to the configuration of the territory. The district is located in the central and western parts of the republic and borders from the north with the Malgobek district, from the east - with the Sunzha, from the south and west - with the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. About 100,000 people live on the territory of the district, including internally displaced persons from the RNO-Alania numbering 1,336 people, as well as internally displaced persons from the Chechen Republic - only 368 people. On the territory of the district flow rivers Sunzha, Surkhohi and Nazranka. Also an important water body of the area is the Alkhanchurt Canal. In Nazran district there are 30 educational institutions, including secondary, general and primary schools, as well as 1 hospital-stationary for 35 beds and 10 outpatient clinics. The region has developed agriculture: there are 8 state unitary enterprises, two agricultural cooperatives and 268 farms. There are 8,190 hectares of arable land on the balance sheet.
The Sunzha Administrative Region was established on September 30, 1931. Being one of the largest districts (1,613 sq km), it occupies the eastern and central parts of the Republic of Ingushetia. It borders in the northeast with the Chechen Republic and in the south with North Ossetia. The administrative center is the city of Sunzha, located 40 km from the republican center - Magas. The variety of relief and climate, as well as the favorable geographical location provide the district with excellent conditions for the development of industry and agriculture. On the territory there are 7 state unitary enterprises with a total arable area of 16,873 hectares, agricultural cooperatives, a horse farm. There are three rivers – Assa, Sunzha and Jerusalimka. The area is served by rail, air and road transport. Magas airport is also located here, the asphalt Baku-Rostov highway passes. The population of the district is 123,360 people.