Tsecha-Akhk 1

The Tsecha-Akhk Historical and Architectural Complex No. 1 (17th century) is situated in the Achkhoi-Martan district of the Chechen Republic on the crest of a small ridge, with a steep drop to the north into the deep valley of a stream flowing into the Fortanga River and a gentler descent to the south to the turbulent Fortanga River.

The complex extends 40 meters along a ridge with dense development. The centerpiece of the complex is combat tower No. 1, around which the residential towers are grouped. The crypt is located separately, 20 meters from the towers on the western promontory of the ridge. This proximity of the burials to the residential towers is due to the need for protection from plundering or insulting the family.

In 2023, the Tsecha-Akhk Historical and Architectural Complex was restored. The repair works have been completed and the object was put into operation.

The complex is an object of cultural heritage and is located on the territory of the Argun Historical-Architectural and Natural Museum-Reserve.