Jeyrakh-Assin Reserve
Jeyrakh-Assin Reserve

The Jeyrakh-Assin historical, architectural and natural museum-reserve is located within the boundaries of the Jeyrakh district of the Republic of Ingushetia on the northern slopes of the foothills of the Central part of the Greater Caucasus Range. The reserve was established on June 2, 1988. The area of the reserve is slightly more than 627 square kilometers. The activity of the reserve is aimed at ensuring the preservation, restoration and study of territorial complexes of cultural and natural heritage, material and spiritual values in their traditional historical (cultural and natural) environment. On the territory of the museum-reserve there are 122 ancient architectural complexes, including more than 2,670 objects of cultural significance, including defensive and residential towers, burial crypts, Christian and pagan sanctuaries and temples. The oldest buildings of the megalithic type belong to the middle of the second millennium BC. Every year, significant scientific discoveries are made on the territory of the reserve, new objects are identified, archaeological expeditions are constantly working, scientists from all over the world come. Since 1996, the reserve has been a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Significant value in the reserve is given to work on creating conditions for the development of organized tourism, its educational and service component.

June 2 is the day of formation of the Dzheyrah-Assinsky Museum-Reserve. It was founded on June 2, 1988 on the basis of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of June 2, 1988, it is recognized as an object of historical and cultural heritage of federal significance.

The Museum-Reserve is a research and educational institution. It is created on the basis of complexes of monuments of history, archaeology, culture and nature of the Dzheyrakh, Salginsky, Assinsky and other gorges and passes connected historically, ethnically, landscapely and representing a special scientific, historical and cultural value in combination with the unique natural complexes surrounding them. Monuments of archeology, history, culture, nature, as well as museum items stored in the reserve are part of the museum fund of the Republic of Ingushetia and the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the museum-reserve: preservation and restoration of architectural ensembles, religious buildings, burials, natural landscapes as a single museum complex, ensuring the protection of the protected area with all the monuments of archeology, history and architecture on it, as well as ensuring reliable protection of cultural and material values from destruction, theft and other criminal encroachments, fires, acts of vandalism, public disorder, etc.

The Museum-Reserve is one of the largest museums in Russia. It covers an area of 64 thousand hectares, it includes about 5000 thousand archaeological and architectural complexes, which are true masterpieces of the multifaceted culture of the Ingush people (from the Bronze Age to the late Middle Ages). Its length from north to south is more than 50 km, from west to east - more than 70 km. In the west: from the border with the Republic of Georgia on the border with the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania to Table Mountain. In the north: along the Myat-Lam ridge to the Assy River; from the Assy River along the Tsorei-Lom ridge to the border with the Shatoi district of the Chechen Republic. In the east: along the border with the Shatoi district of the Chechen Republic to the border with the Republic of Georgia.

South: on the border with the Republic of Georgia. Architectural complexes, religious buildings and other objects on the balance of this museum, on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1487 of November 30, 1992, are classified as especially valuable objects of cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation. In 1995, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 176 of February 20, 1995, the museum was included in the List of objects of historical and cultural heritage of federal (all-Russian) significance.

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